Student 学习 结果s (SLO)


The OAC and the Office of Academic Services approved the following policies for academic 课程:

  1. All active courses must be assessed at least once every five years.
  2. When a course is assessed, all SLOs for that course are assessed within that scheduled 学期. 
  3. For credit courses with 0 to 1 unit, a minimum of 1 SLO is required.
    • For credit courses with more than 1 unit but less than 3 units, a minimum of 2 SLO’s 是必需的.
    • For credit courses with 3 or more units, a minimum of 3 SLO’s 是必需的.
    • For noncredit courses with 35 hours or less, a minimum of 1 SLO is required.
    • For noncredit courses with 36 to 53 hours, a minimum of 2 SLOs 是必需的.
    • For noncredit courses with 54 hours or more, a minimum of 3 SLOs 是必需的.
  4. 对于下列课程 1-2 sections, all sections need to be assessed. 对于下列课程 3 or more sections, at least 50% of sections need to be assessed.
  5. Of the sections assessed, faculty should aim to assess sections that represent these variations: Day/evening, Full-time/Part-time faculty, day of the week, time of the day, on campus vs. off campus, Online, or hybrid, full 学期 or late start courses.
  6. Courses that are leveled or cross-listed may be assessed together in an assessment period if the courses share 相同的slo.  
  7. All Full-time instructors teaching a full-load, shall assess a minimum of two sections every assessment cycle.
  8. Part-time instructors who need to assess their sections in a given 学期 will be contacted at the beginning of that 学期 by the division Dean or their designee(s), and offered support by their division OAC representative/s.
  9. Each SLO shall be mapped to a minimum of one Institutional 学习 结果 (ILO).

Developed 3/2010; revised 10/2011, 11/2019, 3/2021

学徒 programs are defined as, “preparation for any profession, trade, or craft that can be learned through a combination of supervised on-the-job training and off-the-job formal education” (PCAH, 7th Edition). 学徒 courses are offered through a partnership between the Chabot-Las Positas Community College District and the program sponsor. Examples of existing programs are: 学徒: Automotive Technology (APAU), 学徒: Electrical (APEL), 学徒: Fire and Life 安全 (APFL) and 学徒: Pipefitting (PLPF). The apprenticeship courses by instructors that have met minimum qualifications in their industry are taught and assessed off-site.​

The OAC (结果s and 评估 Committee) and the Office of Academic Services approved the following policies for apprenticeship 课程:

  1. All active apprenticeship courses will be assessed on a five-year cycle starting in the academic year 2020-21.
  2. All SLOs for each course will be assessed within that scheduled year using the survey form developed specifically for apprenticeship courses.
  3. For credit courses with 0 to 1 unit, a minimum of 1 SLO is required.
    • For credit courses with more than 1 unit but less than 3 units, a minimum of 2 SLO’s 是必需的.
    • For credit courses with 3 or more units, a minimum of 3 SLO’s 是必需的.
  4. Courses that are leveled or cross-listed may be assessed together if the courses share 相同的slo.



Current 结果s

Fall 22-Spring 23


SLO 评估 Completion Report

SLO 学徒 Course Completion Report 

