
In general, credit classes are designed for students who are interested in earning college credits towards an associate degree, certificate, or transfer to a four-year 学院或大学.  Students who take credit classes receive a letter grade (A, B, C, D或F)在学期或学期结束时.

无学分的 classes are intended for students who want to gain general knowledge, learn a new skill, upgrade existing skills, enrich their understanding about a topic, or 培养个人兴趣. 无学分的 classes are tuition FREE and do not impact student 平均绩点.   无学分的 classes are also a way to enhance learning in credit classes.  在 completion of a noncredit class, students may receive a grade of Pass (P), No Pass (NP)或满意进展(SP).  一些非学分课程会分配标准字母 等级(A、B、C、D或F).

无学分的 classes are NOT applicable towards an associate degree, certificate of achievement 或完成证书.  在完成一系列要求的非学分 classes, students may earn a noncredit certificate 完成 or competency.
任何年满18岁的人.  持F1/F2和B1/B2签证的学生不允许入境 报名参加非学分课程.  高中和地区职业计划(ROP) students who may benefit from instruction and have permission from both their high school district or ROP, and their parent/guardian also may attend.  高中生 who fit into this category must follow the Concurrent Enrollment procedures.
无学分的 classes assist students seeking to improve English or math proficiency, increase literacy and job skills, support access to higher education, and advance 就业能力.
是的. 无学分的 coursework and certificates earned will be recorded on an official 成绩单. The noncredit 成绩单 is on a separate page after the end of the credit 成绩单.
No, your “大学 student identification number (W#) is the same for all Chabot 大学课程. 

是的, students may register for 无学分的课程 online only after successfully submitting 查伯特学院的入学申请.  一经录取,学生即可注册 for 无学分的课程 online through CLASS-Web, the student online portal.

Students will find 无学分的课程 listed by subject area in the “大学 可查询课程表. 非学分课程和课程描述可在 查伯特学院目录.

是的!  As long as a student is in good academic standing with “大学 they may enroll in both noncredit and credit classes at the same time.
非学分课程不要求成绩.  然而,教师可能会决定这样做 award 等级(A、B、C、D或F) or Pass (P), No Pass (NP), or Satisfactory Progress (SP)给学生.  证书 of competency do require that students who pass the 程序有一个特定的能力水平.  复习每节课的具体细节 通过查阅查伯特学院目录或课程.
Some 无学分的课程 do meet all 17 weeks of each semester.  然而,其他非信用 每节课都有特定的天数或周数.  咨询查伯特大学课程 有关课程安排的具体细节.
No.  Federal financial aid is not available for 无学分的课程.  加州 College Promise Grant (fee waiver) does not apply to 无学分的课程 because classes 学费是免费的吗?.  Students are responsible for purchasing any required textbooks, supplies, tools, equipment, uniforms, and mandatory student fees.  经济援助是 not available to assist with these items and fees nor with any other associated expenses.
Each certificate program is different and requires a specific sequence of classes 和/或能力水平.  This information may be found in 查伯特学院目录.
There is no limitation as to how many 无学分的课程 a student may take.
是的! 学生可以不受限制地重修非学分课程.
无学分的 classes may have other 无学分的课程 as prerequisites depending on class 内容与课程设计.  一些学分类可能有非学分类,如 入学条件.  请查阅个别课程或课程描述 for specific details about noncredit and credit class prerequisites by reviewing the 查伯特学院目录或课程表.
The majority of 无学分的课程 do not require a placement or assessment test, and 是通过引导自我安置选择的吗.  然而,一些非学分英语作为第二 Language (ESL) classes may require an assessment test for proper placement.  审查 each class description for details by reviewing 查伯特学院目录 or Class 时间表.
Some short-term vocational programs may be recognized by industry partners.  咨询 查伯特学院目录 for more information on specific noncredit certificates 完成.
It depends on the student’s availability and the availability of 无学分的课程 提供.  Not all 无学分的课程 are offered each semester or term.
If a textbook is required, yes, students are responsible for purchasing the textbook 对于非学分课程. 然而,许多非学分课程使用零成本材料或 有可供学生使用的书籍吗. 
是的, students are responsible for paying fees including, but not limited to, the student 医疗费和学生律师费.  可能需要支付其他费用.